English Sample Question Paper Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Sem

Prepare for your exams with this English Sample Question Paper Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Sem, designed as per the latest question pattern. Get a clear idea of the exam format and important topics. Practice now for better scores!




Time: 2 hours                                                                                                        Full Marks: 40

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Answer ANY TWO questions from PROSE and ANY TWO questions from VERSE of the following questions, in about 40 words each: [2×4-8]

(i) “Laura, you look quite Spanish.”- Explain the line.

(ii) What did Jimmy do after having a meal at the restaurant?

(iii) What is the author’s view on too much use of studies for ornament? What does he consider as ‘affectation’ or pedantry?

(iv) Among whom can we find Christ?

(v) “I call / That piece a wonder,” – What does ‘That piece’ refer to here? Why does the speaker call it ‘a wonder

(vi) “You may write me down in history” – What kind of history has the poet mentioned here?

(vii) How is the walk of the poet described in ‘Still I Rise’?

(viii) Who made the statue of Neptune? What was it made of and for whom?

Long Answer Type Questions

2. Answer ANY ONE question from PROSE and ANY ONE question from VERSE of the following questions, in about 120 words each:[ 6×2=12]

(i) “You want to put it somewhere where it’ll give you a bang slap in the eye,” – Who said this and to whom? In what context did the speaker say this? How did the person spoken to immediately react on hearing it? Describe the appearance of the speaker. 1+1+2+2

(ii) Dacuss Bacon’s overall philosophy of learning and knowledge acquisition as outlined in the essay ‘Of Studies’.6

(iii) How did Jimmy become a successful man in Elmore both financially and socially?6

(iv) This grew; I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together.”- Bring out the significance of this statement. 6

(v) What are the major themes presented through the poem ‘Still I Rise’? 6

English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 PDF

Prepare for WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 with the English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 PDF. Get exam-relevant questions and solutions covering Prose, Verse, Grammar, Writing & Sample Papers. Download now and prepare confidently!

English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025

3.  Answer ANY ONE question from RAPID READER of the following questions, In about 120 words: 5×1=5

(i) “…she only rejoiced that her daughter-in-law had turned over a new leaf.”- What does the phrase ‘turn over a new leaf mean? How according to the mother-in-law had the daughter-in-law turned over a new leaf? Why did the mother-in-law ‘rejoice’ at it?1+2+2

(ii) What happened during the younger prince’s journey towards the mendicant’s hut?  5

(iii) Why did the neat-herd king send the Brahman to the king again? What did the king do? Why did the king do so? 2+1+2

Non-Textual Grammar

4. Do as directed: [1×5=5]

(i) You must avoid smoking to live longer. [Change into compound sentence]

(ii) Book a table for two. [Change the voice]

(iii) I live _____  Konnagar. Every day I travel _____ Kolkata to my office. [Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)

(iv) The child said, “I want that toy.” [Change the mode of narration]

(v) I boarded a running bus. [Rewrite using adjective clause]


5. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Digitalization in India’ using the given hints:

[Hints: What is digitalization-transformation of the human-driven event into software-driven event-Digital India program by Indian government-effects-threats-conclusion.] 10


6. Attempt BOTH of the following: 5×2=10

(i) Recently your school organized a magic show and you were given the role of a presenter. Write a report on it for the local periodical magazine expressing your feelings and also describe the event. [Word limit: 75 words] 5

(ii) Write a letter to the Manager of a Samsung outlet for the replacement of your newly purchased mobile phone. [Word limit: 75 words] 5





Time: 2 hours                                                                                                          Full Marks: 40

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Answer ANY TWO questions from PROSE and ANY TWO questions from VERSE of the following questions, in about 40 words each: [2×4-8]

(i) “Laura, you look quite Spanish.”- Explain the line.

(ii) What did Jimmy do after having a meal at the restaurant?

(iii) What is the author’s view on too much use of studies for ornament? What does he consider as ‘affectation’ or pedantry?

(iv) Among whom can we find Christ?

(v) “I call / That piece a wonder,” – What does ‘That piece’ refer to here? Why does the speaker call it ‘a wonder

(vi) “You may write me down in history” – What kind of history has the poet mentioned here?

(vii) How is the walk of the poet described in ‘Still I Rise’?

(viii) Who made the statue of Neptune? What was it made of and for whom?

Long Answer Type Questions

2. Answer ANY ONE question from PROSE and ANY ONE question from VERSE of the following questions, in about 120 words each:[ 6×2=12]

(i) “You want to put it somewhere where it’ll give you a bang slap in the eye,” – Who said this and to whom? In what context did the speaker say this? How did the person spoken to immediately react on hearing it? Describe the appearance of the speaker. 1+1+2+2

(ii) Dacuss Bacon’s overall philosophy of learning and knowledge acquisition as outlined in the essay ‘Of Studies’.6

(iii) How did Jimmy become a successful man in Elmore both financially and socially?6

(iv) This grew; I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together.”- Bring out the significance of this statement. 6

(v) What are the major themes presented through the poem ‘Still I Rise’? 6

3.  Answer ANY ONE question from RAPID READER of the following questions, In about 120 words: 5×1=5

(i) “…she only rejoiced that her daughter-in-law had turned over a new leaf.”- What does the phrase ‘turn over a new leaf mean? How according to the mother-in-law had the daughter-in-law turned over a new leaf? Why did the mother-in-law ‘rejoice’ at it?1+2+2

(ii) What happened during the younger prince’s journey towards the mendicant’s hut?  5

(iii) Why did the neat-herd king send the Brahman to the king again? What did the king do? Why did the king do so? 2+1+2

Non-Textual Grammar

4. Do as directed:

Non-Textual Grammar [1×5=5]

(i) You must avoid smoking to live longer. [Change into compound sentence]

(ii) Book a table for two. [Change the voice]

(iii) I live _____  Konnagar. Every day I travel _____ Kolkata to my office. [Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)

(iv) The child said, “I want that toy.” [Change the mode of narration]

(v) I boarded a running bus. [Rewrite using adjective clause]


5. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Digitalization in India’ using the given hints:

[Hints: What is digitalization-transformation of the human-driven event into software-driven event Digital India program by Indian government-effects-threats-conclusion.] 10


6. Attempt BOTH of the following: 5×2=10

(i) Recently your school organized a magic show and you were given the role of a presenter. Write a report on it for the local periodical magazine expressing your feelings and also describe the event. [Word limit: 75 words] 5

(ii) Write a letter to the Manager of a Samsung outlet for replacement of your newly purchased mobile phone. [Word limit: 75 words] 5





Time: 2 hours                                                                                   Full Marks: 40

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Answer ANY TWO questions from PROSE and ANY TWO questions from VERSE of the following questions, in about 40 words each: [2×4-8]

(i) What was the condition of the crippled person? How much did he donate for the well-being of the distressed

(ii) How did Karake trees look?

(iii) Who is referred to as phoenix’ in Vemmy Valentine’ and why?

(iv) Why does Bacon use the plant metapher in his essay Of Studies?

(v) How did the Duke ensure that the glance of his Duchess turned only on him?

(vi) How does Angelou convey a sense of defiance in ‘Still I Rise’?

(vii) Who is the person spoken to in the poem My Last Duchess”? What is the purpose of his coming to the Duke of Ferrara?

(viii) As mentioned in ‘Still I Rise’, what comes as a surprise to the Whites and why?

Long Answer Type Questions

2. Answer ANY ONE question from PROSE and ANY ONE question from VERSE of the following questions, in about 120 words each:[ 6×2=12]

(i) Valentine walked out into the sunshine.” What exactly happened before Valentine walked out into the sunshine? 6

(ii) It was comply marvellous.”– Who is the speaker? How did the ‘marvellous’ experience affect the speaker? Did Laurie understand what the speaker wanted to say? 1+3+2

(iii) “I will give you something terrifying.” What does Mother Teresa refer to by ‘something terrifying”?  6

(iv) “Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,/1 am the dream and the hope of the slave-Who are the poet’s ancestors? What are the gifts referred to here ? How does the poet prove herself to be the ‘dream and the hope of the slave’? 1+2+3

(v) Write about the historical background on which the poem My Last Duchess is based. 6

3. Answer ANY ONE question from RAPID READER of the following questions, In about 120 words: 5×1=5

(i) “As you are anxious to have a son, I can give to the queen a drug…”- -Who said this and to whom? How did the drug work? Did the speaker provide the drug on any condition? What was it? 1+1+1+2

(ii)  Why did the Ojha begin to belabour the ghost with his slippers ? What did the ghost reveal then? 1+4

(iii)  …and your intellect is that of a neat-herd,”- Who said this and to whom? Why did the speaker react in such a manner? 2+3

Non-Textual Grammar

4. Do as directed:  [1×5=5]

(i) He had a narrow escape. [Rewrite the sentence by using the adverb form of the underlined word]

(ii) The Indian Cricket Team won the World Cup. The Prime Minister congratulated them. [Join into a single sentence using a gerund]

(iii) Nobody could count all the stars in the sky. [Change into an interrogative sentence]

(iv) It (be) such an excellent thing if all the people in the world (be) happy and contented! [Fill in the blanks by using the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets]

(v) Sudhangshu said, “They are going back to their town, aren’t they ?” [Change the mode of narration]


5. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Social Media’ using the given hints: 10

[Hints: Introduction first appearance different types of social media — advantages and disadvantages- conclusion]


6. Attempt BOTH of the following: 5×2=10

(i) You have been a prey to a digital fraud recently. Write a letter within 75 words to the Bank Manager asking him/her to take necessary actions at the earliest. 5

(ii) Write a report in about 75 words on ‘Japan Earthquake’ using the given points: 5

[Points: Date 1 January, 2024-time: around 4 pm-magnitude: 7.6 Richter scale- epicentre: Noto Peninsula, west coast of Japan-aftershocks: 155-casualties: 299 dead, over 1200 injured-rescue operation: 100 soldiers dispatched, 12929 people in 521 evacuation centres]


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