10 Do as Directed Tenses Exercises with Answers

Here we have provided Do as Directed Tenses Exercises with Answers for practice. Read them carefully and answer.

Do as Directed Tenses Exercises

In this exercise, we have provided some sentences and the tense of those sentences is to be changed according to the direction given in the brackets.

Exercises 1

Do as Directed:

1. He learned English. (Change into Past Continuous Tense)

2. She reads in class six. (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

3. She is going to Kolkata. (Change into Past Indefinite Tense)

4. A boy is flying a kite. (Change into Past Perfect Tense)

5. They are eating. (Change into Present Perfect Tense)

6. They were running on the road. (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

7. Gourav was saying prayers in the morning. (Change into Simple Past Tense)

8. The milkman milks the cows. (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

9. I ate some mangoes. (Change into Future Indefinite Tense)

10. Tapan will go to the market. (Change into Present Perfect Tense)

English Grammar Practice Questions Class 10

Exercises 2

Do as Directed:

1. Suman made a kite. (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

2. Father did not go to work. (Change into Past Continuous Tense)

3. He eats rice. (Change into Present Perfect Tense)

4. The girl sang a song. (Change into Future Continuous Tense)

5. Why did you go there? (Change into Futuret Continuous Tense)

6. Have you ever seen this? (Change into Past perfect Continuous Tense)

7. They will be making noise. (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

8. The girl is helping her mother. (Change into Future Perfect Continuous Tense)

9. Father had reached home. (Change into Present Perfect Tense)10. The man is shouting. (Change into Future Continuous Tense)

Exercises 3

1. It had been raining all night yesterday. (Change into simple future tense)

2. My mother is cooking prawn curry. (Change into past continuous tense)

3. He makes a paper boat. (Change into simple past tense)

4. I have finished my homework. (Change into past perfect tense)

5. The crow is searching for water. (Change into past continuous tense)

6. He is feeling sick. (Change into simple past tense)

7. He was trying to sleep but could not. (Change into past continuous tense)

8. The cats are quarreling with each other. (Change into simple past tense)

9. The girl stands first every year. (Change into past continuous tense) 

10. Hari plays football. (Change into past continuous tense)

Exercises 4

1. She is washing her clothes. (Change into past perfect tense)

2.  I do not know which road to take. (Change into past continuous tense)

3. You are telling a lie. (Change into simple past tense)

4. You have no right to keep it. (Change into past continuous tense)

5. Soma reads in class (Change into simple past tense)

6.  He always helps his friends. (Change into simple past tense)

7. Pritam is writing a book. (Change into past continuous tense)

8. He is talking rubbish. (Change into simple past tense)

9. They have begun their work. (Change into simple future tense)

10. The driver drives the car slowly. ( Change into present perfect tense)

Do as Directed Tenses Exercises 5

5. Write the correct alternatives of the verb to fill in the blanks:

Rina who visit/visited/had visited) the doctor last Monday. The doctor (have been/has been/is being) ill for a month advised/will advise) her complete bed rest.

Exercises 6

6. Write the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks:

Teresa enjoyed the poverty, began her missionary (teaching/teaches/taught) at the school, she was worried by (surrounded/Surrounding/surrounds) her in Kolkata, In 1948 she (work/working/worked) for the poor.

Exercises 7

7. Write the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks:

We started test-firing our missiles from the Sriharikota Range of ISRO but (needing/needed/was needed) our own missile test range. The Interim Test Range (ITR) (established/had established/was established) in 1989 as dedicated range for (launching/launched/launches) missiles, rockets and flight test vehicles.

Exercises 8

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs.

1. When Mrs. Gupta _______ (return /returned /was returning) home, she noticed at once that thieves _______ (enter /have entered /had entered) her house during her absence. The local police station _______ (was informing /had informed/was informed) immediately. 

Exercises 9

9. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs.

2. Thank you for your letter which I _______ (receive) last week. It was really good to hear from you. You said you _______ (meet) Anjan recently, but you did not say how he _______ (be). I _______ (be) in Kolkata for six weeks, and I am enjoying life here very much. I _______ (work) very hard since I arrived, but the job is interesting and everyone is very kind to me. 

Exercises 10

10. Write the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks:

Mother Teresa’s work has been (recognised/recognising/recognises) and (acclaimed/acclaims/acclaiming) throughout the world and she has received a number of awards, (included/including/include) the Peace Prize and the Nehru Prize.

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